Last July, we discussed how to use digital marketing to promote your virtual events. At that time virtual events were a nimble, innovative response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, they appear to be the new normal. This is excellent news, not just for concerned residents and families (and staff members), but also for your content marketing strategy, says Sean Ochester, Executive Vice President of Digital and Integrated Strategy at SageAge Strategies.
“Videos and webinars – which are the staple for virtual events – are quick, effective mediums that help you grow and educate your audience,” Sean says. “These mediums also provide a wealth of content that you can repurpose and use throughout your digital marketing initiatives.”
Sean says that the need for content, which includes everything from blog posts to videos to podcasts and more, will continue to grow throughout 2021. “People are consuming content at a high rate, and they’re expecting to be able to get all the information they want, whenever they want, wherever they want,” he says. “By transforming your virtual events into content experiences, you’ll create a richer atmosphere for your prospective residents and a wealth of content that you can use throughout your digital marketing strategy.”
Virtual Events: It’s Not Just Watching a Video Anymore
Our previous article was all about how to create buzz around your virtual event in order for you to gather more participants. We suggested listing the event on your website to gain RSVPs, sharing news about the event on social, sending emails and setting up retargeting ads. This is all great and very important when it comes to getting people to attend your event. However, that’s just the beginning. In order to truly capitalize on this content potential, you want to be sure you’re showcasing, setting up and sharing your events in a way that it is helpful, relevant and – most importantly – able to be viewed again and again.
The most important thing you can do is have your guest speaker or other event participating to record the presentation using Zoom, Microsoft Teams or any other video tool you have available. This allows you to parse out the most important and relevant parts of the event, giving you bite-sized topics and content that you can put out on social media, on your website or as part of your lead nurturing campaign.
After the event, a blog post that recaps the important details of the event will help inform individuals who weren’t able to make it and provide a handy check-back point for those who attended the event but want a high-level recap.
“Making the virtual event a true event, with lead-up and follow-through, is a great way for you to build community relations,” says Sean. “Remember, one of your main goals in lead nurturing and resident conversion is being helpful and providing the information they need to make the best decision for themselves. By creating a wealth of content that can be easily digested and searched, you’ll not only increase your SEO rankings, but you’ll also position yourself as a subject matter expert.”
SageAge Strategies: Here for You, Always
At SageAge Strategies, our marketing team excels in helping senior living communities target prospective residents and gather essential information through surveys, focus groups and other tools that will help communities just like yours get the information you need to succeed.
If you need assistance in any areas of marketing and integrated growth strategy to improve your business results, we invite you to contact us today to learn more about our proven strategies that have transformed other senior living communities like yours.
SageAge Strategies is a multiple award-winning strategic growth, marketing and consulting organization that operates exclusively in the unique senior living marketplace. For more information, please call or email Melinda Schmitz at 816.349.0464 / [email protected]You can also visit us on our website at
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